Enhance your daily worfklow

Renato Corluka
Renato Corluka
October 20, 2024

Background story: We had tons internal talks about making in-builder copy paste and I’ve really vocal against this. By doing this we would need to enter Breakdance UI, we would need to place logic from our site related to membership, we would need to adjust code on two our servers to deliver assets as we run separate WooCommerce installation. And we would need to do all of that which is already solved on our main membership site. And every update would need to update Plugin, Main server, Woo server which would be just insane.

Benefit if we would do it? User could use any browser in theory and have flyout panel in-builder.

Getting flyout panel at zero cost

These task should be handled by browser. This is general browser problem, and WordPress plugin should not be convoluted with these things.


Our suggestion – Vivaldi (free)

Vivaldi is free browser based on Chromium which is pretty long on the market and stable. It is famous for all fancy productivity stuff that you see in recently hyped browsers and Vivaldi does it better in my personal view. ARC browser has really nice interface, but Vivaldi is beast when it comes productivity and standing features that works flawlessly are:

  • Flyout panels
  • Splitting screen up to 3 tabs
  • Group tabs

And Vivaldi has had things for more than five years; if you want to boost your productivity with Headspin, Breakdance, or for your day-to-day tasks, use a browser that handles these problems for every app.

Don’t trust me? Check video below

In demo sample below you could see my Vivaldi setup. I have Headspin UI, and some other apps like Freescout as flyout panels. Vivaldi is my browsers to usage outside of development (I am Firefox sucker when it comes to devs tools). I have few apps like Headspin UI, mail and support as flyout so I could do multitask in browser.

There is almost solution for every browser

VivaldiNative (Chrome based)Find more
FirefoxExtensionFind more
FloorpNative (Firefox based)Find more
EdgeNativeFind more

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