Headspin Copilot

Headspin Copilot is WordPress plugin to spin global project settings in matter of seconds
  • Color palette generator
  • Fluid typography
  • Fluid spacing
  • Automatic dark/light mode

Headspin Wireframes

Headspin Wireframes are low fidelity designs for Breakdance builder. Make page prototype in minutes
  • 400+ unique low fidelity designs
  • Optimized for dark and light mode
  • Compatible with Headspin Copilot

Headspin Components

Headspin Elements are for Breakdance builder made for faster making custom designs inside Breakdance builder
  • Full site templates
  • Optimized for dark and light mode
  • Compatible with Headspin Copilot
  • Header and Footer templates included

Headspin Sites

Headspin Sites are fully made website designs for Breakdance builder. Import them and have fully designed sites in few minutes
  • Full site templates
  • Optimized for dark and light mode
  • Compatible with Headspin Copilot
  • Header and Footer templates included
Headspin Logo
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@ 2024 HeadspinUI. All rights reserved.