Advanced typography panel gives full control over typography settings to Headspin Copilot users.

There are four main parts that you should be familiar with before using it:

  • Start from typography lock
  • Min. Viewport controls
  • Max. Viewport controls
  • Preview

Start from typography lock

Defines when modular scale should kick in. Most of project does not need to create size hierarchy for H6 and H5 and modular scale should kick in at H4 or H3. This options enables us to use much bigger scales like golden ratio, so if you are using big scale, you should lock at later heading level.

Min. Viewport controls

Font size

Defines first step size of typography scale at Min. Viewport (mobile).


Defines modular scale multiplier at Min. Viewport

Max. Viewport controls

Font size

Defines first step size of typography scale at Max. Viewport (mobile).


Defines modular scale multiplier at Max. Viewport


This will enable you to preview typography in table, or you could se live scale preview of font-sizes.