Plugin Update: v1.2.2

Renato Corluka
August 16, 2024

Based on the feedback that we gathered in communication with our users, we are introducing few new things which should improve quality of life for our users.

Improved color palette views

1) List view – default

The list view is new view introduced palette view option in list format with use case hints. This view should make much easier for the new users to understand our color system because it will act as cheat sheet where each shade will have recommended use case.

Cleanshot 2024 08 16 At 14.03.07

2) Row view – old

We have kept old row view which was used before v1.2.2 because many users are used to that, and also that view far more compact so when users are on-board with our color system they could use this compact view.

Also this view is improved also with dark/light labels for theme mods so user understands which variation belong to light or dark mode. Besides that, when user hovers on shade he will also get use case tooltip for that particular shade.

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Typography size overview

While adjusting advanced settings, user will have table preview with fluid sizes, or text preview where he could see actual size of the particular step.

Also there is indication if token is unlinked, so you will have feedback indication that settings won’t affect that token which is manually controlled via Tokens panel.

Spacing preview

Same as for typography is done for spacing, you will have option to preview regular and section spacing.

Also there is indication if token is unlinked, so you will have feedback indication that settings won’t affect that token which is manually controlled via Tokens panel.

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