Dynamic Tabs

Renato Corluka
September 19, 2024

An a11y-friendly Dynamic Tabs component is designed to be accessible and responsive, providing a seamless user experience across devices. It adapts to different screen sizes by transforming traditional tabs into a dropdown menu or accordion on smaller screens. This component ensures keyboard accessibility, appropriate ARIA roles and attributes, and proper focus management, making navigation easy for all users, including those using assistive technologies.

Getting started

Post loop setup

In the video below, we are demonstrating setup of using dynamic tabs loop component with custom posts, and fields made in ACF.

Repeater setup


Basic configuration

In order to configure you’ll need locate element called Dynamic Tabs – config and click on Advanced option like shown in the image below:

Dynamic Tabs Configuration
data-responsive-typetabs, accordion, dropdownShould tabs be shown as tabs on the smaller devices? With this you could switch to accordion and dropdown. When to switch is decided by next attribute “data-responsive-px”
data-responsive-pxIntegerWhen to switch to alternative responsive view like accordion or dropdown.
data-tab-presettabs, pills, bar, dotQuick tab styling presets
data-accordion-presetclassic, pill, borderedQuick accordion styling presets
data-accordion-iconopenclosed, open-and-closedopenclosed – Uses only one icon for both open and closed accordion state. Modify OpenClosed icon if you pick this option.
open-and-closed – Uses separate open and closed icons. Modify both Open and Closed icon if you use this option.
data-tab-activationautomatic, manualAccording to W3C guidelines there are two types of tabs. With automatic automation keyboard arrows will shift immediately tabs, while with manual you will need to confirm choice by Enter or Space key.
Recommended value: automatic

Option configuration

Style presets

Tabs style preset

You should see attribute data-tab-preset under element named Dynamic Tabs – config.

Attribute nameValue

Accordion styles preset

You should see attribute data-accordion-preset under element named Dynamic Tabs – config.

Attribute nameValue
Style modification

This is aimed to make direct code modification to our styles. Because this is hybrid component, you could not style it with native elements as HTML markup is made on the fly by using JavaScript so it could support Tabs, Dropdown and Accordion options. In the code you will se comments with enumeration and table below explains what is code responsible for. Use this table as guide to find desired styles that need modification.
Please check style preset section which shows no-code styling option, you may not need custom code or if you pick some preset which matches desired design, or you will need less modification.

NoDescription of applied styles
1.1Tabs focus styles. Styles applied when tab navigation item is focused, and styles when content is focused.
1.2Tabs navigation wrapper container styles. Div that holds tabs navigation items.
1.3Tabs dot preset styles. Conditional styles when dot preset is chosen.
1.4Tabs pills preset styles. Conditional styles when pills preset is chosen.
1.5Tabs tabs preset styles. Conditional styles when tabs preset is chosen.
1.6Tabs bar preset styles. Conditional styles when bar preset is chosen.
2.1Accordion icons styles
2.2Accordion button to expand styles
2.3Accordion classic preset styles. Conditional styles when classic preset is chosen.
2.4Accordion pill preset styles. Conditional styles when pill preset is chosen.
2.5Accordion bordered preset styles. Conditional styles when bordered preset is chosen.
3.1Dropdown (select) base styles
3.2Dropdown (select) hover styles
4.1Functionality rules, do not modify as it may lead to broken things
Responsive options

Responsive type

You should see attribute data-responsive-type under element named Dynamic Tabs – config.
Values: Tabs, Accordion, Dropdown

Responsive screen size

You should see attribute data-responsive-px under element named Dynamic Tabs – config.
Values: Integer number (100, 360, 500 etc.)

This will tell when you want to switch from Tabs view to Accordion or Dropdown view.

Advanced styling

Tabs – custom CSS

In order to make advanced design modification of tabs you could you use following selectors:

ElementCSS target
Navigation wrapper.hs-nav-container.hs-nav-container [role=”tablist”]{}
Navigation item (default state).hs-nav-container .hs-tablink[aria-selected=”true”] [data-tab=”tabnav”]{}
Navigation item (hover state)
.hs-nav-container .hs-tablink:hover,
.hs-nav-container .hs-tablink [data-tab=”tabnav”]:focus-within{}
Navigation item (active state).hs-nav-container .hs-tablink[aria-selected=”true”] [data-tab=”tabnav”]{}
Navigation Underline (active & hover state)
.hs-nav-container .hs-tablink [data-tab=”tabnav”]:hover:after,
.hs-nav-container .hs-tablink [aria-selected=”true”] [data-tab=”tabnav”]:after{}
Accordion – custom CSS

Customizing Icons

You should see attribute data-accordion-icon under element named Dynamic Tabs – config.
Values: open-and-closed | openclosed

open-and-closed value will use two separate icons for open and closed accordion state like + and -.
openclosed value will use single icon for example chevron (>) which gets rotated.

In order to customize accordion you could use following selectors:

ElementCSS target
Accordion button trigger (default state).hs-accordion-button.hs-accordion-button{}
Accordion button trigger (hover & focus state).hs-accordion-button.hs-accordion-button:hover,.hs-accordion-button.hs-accordion-button:focus-within{}
Accordion button trigger (expanded state)
Dropdown – custom CSS

In order to customize dropdown you could use following selectors:

ElementCSS target
Select element.hs-nav-select.hs-nav-select{}
Custom view styles hooks

In order to target elements under certain view you could use data-hsview attribute as style hook:

ViewCSS target
Tabs[data-hsview=”tabs”] .my-custom-selector{}
Accordion[data-hsview=”accordion”] .my-custom-selector{}
Dropdown[data-hsview=”dropdown”] .my-custom-selector{}



Tab navigation markup

<div role="tablist">  
  <button id="tab-1" tabindex="0" role="tab" aria-controls="tabcontent1" aria-selected="true"></button>
  <button id="tab-1" tabindex="-1" role="tab" aria-controls="tabcontent2" aria-selected="false"></button>
  <button id="tab-1" tabindex="-1" role="tab" aria-controls="tabcontent3" aria-selected="false"></button>
<div id="tabcontent1" role="tabpanel"  aria-labelledby="tab-1" class="is-active"></div>
<div id="tabcontent2" role="tabpanel"  aria-labelledby="tab-2"></div>
<div id="tabcontent3" role="tabpanel"  aria-labelledby="tab-3"></div>

Role, Property, State, and Tabindex Attributes

tablistdivThe tablist role identifies the element that serves as the container for a set of tabs. The tab content are referred to as tabpanel elements.
tabbuttonThe ARIA tab role indicates an interactive element inside a tablist that, when activated, displays its associated tabpanel.
aria-selected=”true”buttonSelected button will tell screen reader it is selected by using aria-selected=”true”
tabindex=”-1″buttonButtons that are not selected will have negative tabindex to exclude them from tabbing because tab should lead to first focus-able element inside tabpanel. And switching tabs will be done with JavaScript which will listen for ArrowLeft and ArrowRight.
aria-controls=”TCID”buttonThe global aria-controls property identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the element on which this attribute is set.
tabpaneldivThe tabpanel role indicates the element is a container for the resources associated with a tab role, where each tab is contained in a tablist.
aria-labelledby=”NID”divThe aria-labelledby attribute identifies the element (or elements) that labels the element it is applied to.

Keyboard navigation

We are busting navigation with TAB key so user would not go through tab navigation, and would lead him to tab content. Switching tabs is done with keyboard arrow keys. There are two modes of activation:

  • automatic
  • manual

In automatic activation mode, after pressing arrow keys it will change tabs instantly without need to confirm choice to switch by pressing enter/tab key.

Tabbing through content

When user moves around content, and gets to last focus-able element in tab content, next TAB key press should lead to opening next tab, and vice versa with SHIFT + TAB.


Code below is showing simplified markup of Accordion responsive view.

<div class="accordion-content">
    <button id="accordion-button-1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="tabcontent1">Tab1</button>
  <div id="tabcontent2" aria-labelledby="accordion-button-1" role="region" class="tab-content" hidden></div>
<div class="accordion-content">
    <button id="accordion-button-2" aria-controls="tabcontent2">Tab1</button>
  <div id="tabcontent2" aria-labelledby="accordion-button-2" role="region" class="tab-content" hidden></div>

Keyboard navigation

Space or EnterWhen focus is on the accordion header of a collapsed section, expands the section.
TabMoves focus to the next focusable element.
All focusable elements in the accordion are included in the page Tab sequence.
Shift + TabMoves focus to the previous focusable element.
All focusable elements in the accordion are included in the page Tab sequence.
Accordion Keyboard Navigation (source)

Role, Property, State, and Tabindex Attributes

h3**Heading level is automatically picked up by script which check surrounding content, fallback to script is h3.
Element that serves as an accordion header.
Each accordion header element contains a button that controls the visibility of its content panel.
The example uses heading level 3 so it fits correctly within the outline of the page; the example is contained in a section titled with a level 2 heading.
aria-expanded="true"buttonSet to true when the Accordion panel is expanded, otherwise set to false.
aria-controls="ID"divPoints to the ID of the panel which the header controls.
regiondivCreates a landmark region that contains the currently expanded accordion panel.
aria-labelledby="IDREF"divDefines the accessible name for the region element.
References the accordion header button that expands and collapses the region.
region elements are required to have an accessible name to be identified as a landmark.
Accordion Markup Enhancements (source)

Dropdown uses same structure as Tabs, just navigation is replaced with dropdown. Semantics are enhanced with aria-label to tell screen readers that dropdown is related to Content Tabs.

Keyboard Naviagation

Space When focus is on the unopened dropdown (HTML select element) Space key will open dropdown.
EnterWhen dropdown is open, Enter key will select dropdown option item and close dropdown.
ArrowUp and ArrowDownWhen dropdown is open, ArrowUp and ArrowDown key will move selection to next/previous option item.
TabMoves focus to the next focusable element.
Shift + TabMoves focus to the previous focusable element.

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